Thursday, October 11, 2007

Vet's Burial Plot Stolen by Identity Thief

In what has to be the final insult to one's life here on earth,
a Vietnam veteran's burial plot was discovered already
occupied by an identity thief.

According to the News Day:

"Calverton officials told Owens that they already had
the body of a veteran with the same name, birth date
and Social Security number in section 24A, site '5.

That Willie Hayes died Nov. 8, 2003 - but it was
unclear who he was or how he acquired the other
Willie Hayes' identity and burial honors."

Later on in this story, the family was able to successfully
prove the real Willie Hayes was in fact eligible to rest in
peace with honor and got his veteran's burial plot.

So, our tip for today is for anyone who has relatives that
served in our nation's armed forces and by right deserves
to be buried with honor in our national cemetaries.

Get your profile checked out to make sure an identity
thief has not stolen your relatives burial rights.


At 8:36 AM, Blogger agent99 said...

This just goes to prove there really is no shame amongst thieves!!

At 8:37 AM, Blogger agent99 said...

...especially identity thieves..

At 6:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Send that identity thief to the front lines in Iraq - on IED clearance duty - by hand.

Let's see if that will deter future identity thieves from victimizing veterans.


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