Friday, July 14, 2006

HUD Identity Theft Fear Govt Data Not Secure

HUD-Identity-Theft-Fear-Govt-Data-Not-Secure-audio post - click to play

The Department of Housing and Urban
HUD, has become potentially
the latest victim
of insider driven identity theft.

A two year employee was arrested June 26th
after she passed a phony cashier's check at
a Maryland bank which lead to a subsequent
investigation by federal agents and a search
warrant of her office.

Surprisingly, it seems this thief had access to
"personal client information" housed on HUD's
computer system even though the investigation
revealed she held a larceny conviction and had
used a series of false aliases.

Further, a search of the thief's apartment revealed
"numerous boxes" of data commonly associated
credit card, bank fraud, and identity theft.

So, our tip for today is if you either work for HUD
or have submitted any personal information on their
consumer applications, be advised to check back with
us for further developments on this developing story.


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