Friday, July 20, 2007

Ex-Pfizer Employee Sues for Data Breach

Pfizer, the nation's largest pharmaceutical company is being sued
by a group of current and former employees over the unauthorized
release of personal data effecting 17,000 people according to CNN.

...the company discovered in April that the names and Social
Security numbers, and in some cases addresses, home and
cellular phone numbers and bonus information, were posted
on the Internet.

Evidently, the complaint is the company, Pfizer, waited 9 weeks after
they learned of the data breach to notify the impacted employees.

So, our tip for today is to contact Pfizer if you never took
advantage of their June 1st offer to provide free year's worth
of credit reporting for those 17,000 victims of identity disclosure.

Also, make sure to tell your friends of this latest disclosure involving
the Pfizer data breach.


At 9:36 PM, Blogger agent99 said...

What would happen to the level of identity theft if more employees or victims actually won their class action lawsuits against those companies which did not adequately safeguard consumer data?


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