Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Wanted: Id Theft Justice from Congress

After a year later, President Bush's identity theft task force has
finally moved forward with its first substantive action.

The Bush administration last week sent proposed legislation to
Congress to update and improve federal identity theft laws
according to the Internet News.

The Identity Theft Enforcement and Restitution Act of 2007
would allow ID theft victims to recover the value of the time
lost attempting to repair damage caused by identity theft.

Currently, victim restitution is limited to direct financial losses.

The bill would also expand the existing identity theft
and aggravated identity theft statutes to include
penalties for thieves who steal information from
corporations and organizations. Both statutes now
only deal with the identity theft of an individual.

In addition, provisions in the legislation increase
the penalties for ID thieves who use malicious
and keystroke loggers to commit their crimes.

So, while the another major governmental body is claiming
there is no real threat to identity theft, here's one instance
where we can applaud a different governmental group that
is finally doing something about identity theft.


At 6:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's just great - over 2 years later this task force actually addresses the problem - with a proposal.

How feeble is that?

At 4:16 PM, Blogger agent99 said...

Anonymous said...

That's just great - over 2 years later this task force actually addresses the problem - with a proposal.

How feeble is that?
We share your sentiments, too!

But, it is some progress nonetheless.


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