Monday, January 16, 2006

Identity Theft Scam using Chase Bank Identity Theft Fear

This is an identity theft scam "alert".

Identity thieves have morphed their attacks recently.
This latest version, according to the New York State
Consumer Protection Board, involves the use of phony
emails from Chase Bank.

In the email, the intended victim is warned that someone
tried to access their bank account from a "foreign" internet

The phony email further instructs the reader to correct the error
by clicking on a link to what turns out to be a fake Chase Bank
website. In fact, the phony website would then attempt to extract
the consumer's personal information needed to commit identity theft.

Legitimate banks & businesses do not request your passwords, account
numbers and certainly do not send out threatening emails like the one

Dear Chase & Co. Member

For the User Agreement, Section 9, we may immediately
issue a warning, temporarily suspend, indefinitely
suspend or terminate your membership and refuse to
provide our services to you if we believe that your
actions may cause financial loss or legal liability
for you, our users or us.

Our terms and conditions you agreed to state that
your service must always be under your control or
those you designate all times. We have noticed
some unusual activity related to your service that
indicates that other parties may have access and
or control of your information in your service.

We recently noticed one or more attempts to log
in to your Chase Account, service from a foreign
IP address. If you recently accessed your service
while traveling, the unusual log in attempts may
have been initiated by you. However, if you did
not initiate the logins, please visit
Chase homepage as soon as possible to restore your
account status.

The log in attempt was made from:

ISP host :

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause,
and appreciate your assistance in helping us maintain
the integrity of the entire system. Thank you for your
prompt attention to this matter.Please do not reply to
this e-mail. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered.

To restore your account status click the link below:
[link to phony website]

So, our tip for today, is beware of this Chase Bank email claiming
you may be an identity theft victim. If you do receive this email
do not even open it, just delete it immediately.

Also, make sure you warn your friends and associates as identity
thieves who use email "phishing" methods count on you being far
too busy attempting to empty out your full inbox - especially after
a long weekend - to notice a scam.

If you feel you may have already responded to this phony email or
for more questions relating to your account, immediately contact
Chase Bank's official website or by phone with the numbers below.

Chase Deposit Customers:
If you are contacting us from outside of the United States please
call Customer Service at 1-713-262-3300.

Chase Personal Financial Services Clients:
Personal Line: 1-800-216-2700

Chase Credit Cards:
Personal: 1-800-551-1476
Business: 1-800-628-4882

Chase Mortgages:

Chase Auto Finance:
Retail/Loans: 1-800-336-6675
Auto Leases: 1-800-227-5151

Small Business Customers:
1-800-CHASE38 (1-800-242-7338)


At 4:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just recieved one of these emails, I immediatly opened a second browser and went to the real Chase page and commpared there are markable diferences. Like the little black dots separating paragraphs missing. The grey scale at the bottom of the login page is also missing. There is also another attempted "login" IP :
So I am contacting Chase this am, and wanted to warn users of the differences I saw. TY ALL,

At 4:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just recieved one of these emails, I immediatly opened a second browser and went to the real Chase page and commpared there are markable diferences. Like the little black dots separating paragraphs missing. The grey scale at the bottom of the login page is also missing. There is also another attempted "login" IP :
So I am contacting Chase this am, and wanted to warn users of the differences I saw. TY ALL,

At 12:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chase are running their own scam too. during a phone call to Chase, they offered us thier "identity theft program" which we have refused int the past. We refused it again. A few days later we get a letter fro m Chase telling us that thier records have been breached and that our information may have been compromised. They suggested we pusrchase their I D theft program to portect ourselves. Our response was to close our three Chase accounts.

At 4:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another way of spotting a phoney email from Chase:

they will ALWAYS address you BY NAME, they will NEVER address you as Customer, or anything else.

I just received one now, and it was addressed Chase Customer.

Beware, folks.

At 5:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem with closing your account is not going to help you with your credit score. You should always have atleast 3-5 cards and charge no more then 30% and pay it off each month.


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